At Dayspring Christian Academy, we use the Principle Approach method of education, which draws life and its very core from the Word of God. Dayspring offers a bold, 独特的, biblical education in Lancaster, PA, that teaches students to think and reason from biblical principles and apply them to every area of life. With this worldview, students learn to think logically. They learn how to think not what to think. From this perspective, they gain a love of learning and the ability to view the world through the lens of the Bible. This brings transformation internally and extends outward to affect every area of life.
Take a Tour or Attend an Open House圣经 Worldview is intentionally cultivated through Dayspring's unique curriculum and Principle Approach to learning.
The Principle ApproachDayspring employs a classical curriculum that includes logic, 修辞, hermeneutics, Latin and Greek, classical literature, and the providential view of history.
View Our Course CatalogsThrough AP classes and a dual enrollment program with Cairn University, Dayspring students may earn up to 30 college credits.
Discover Dual EnrollmentThe Dayspring student is not limited to the classroom for learning. Students are taken to key sites for deeper study of science, history, and more.
View Our Field StudiesThe Principle Approach® teaches students to reason from biblical truth and principles and to make application to every area of life. Every class at Dayspring Christian Academy begins with God’s Word.
Here you’ll find answers to common questions we hear from parents who are considering Dayspring Christian Academy.
The goal of the Principle Approach® to education is to build a student’s Christian character and sense of self-government, Christian scholarship, and 圣经 reasoning for lifelong learning and discipleship.
Private tours for you and your child are available. Additionally, middle and high school students are able to experience a day of school at Dayspring through our visitation program. Call Karol Hasting at 717-285-2000 or use the button below to register.
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